
looks different to when my little guy poos but that might just be age difference, my guys poos are usually nice and firm yours looks a little runny. The urate is bright white which is good though, nice and hydrated. Do you feed alot of soft bodied larva, apparently if fed too much they can make the poo a bit runny and they shouldnt be fed more than 20% of your feeders
looks different to when my little guy poos but that might just be age difference, my guys poos are usually nice and firm yours looks a little runny. The urate is bright white which is good though, nice and hydrated. Do you feed alot of soft bodied larva, apparently if fed too much they can make the poo a bit runny and they shouldnt be fed more than 20% of your feeders

I'm feeding a larvae based diet, mainly phoenix worms (nutritional info here http://www.exotic-pets.co.uk/phoenix-worms.html - I think they are somtimes also called Calci worms?) - he is totally uninterested in crickets or locusts, and he is also having a wax worm a day as its the easiest (and really the only way at the moment) to get his liquid calcium into him. I was worried about him being dehydrated, but obviously with the white urates he isnt any more - when I first got him, they were orange and crystalised. I think they aren't as runny as they look in the photo, as a bit of water has dripped on them, but one bit is firm, and the other is slightly softer (not that i poked or anything :p)
lol, try some super worms or meal worms, but less mealworms. That will probably help with making the poo a bit more firm :)
lol, try some super worms or meal worms, but less mealworms. That will probably help with making the poo a bit more firm :)

He gets mealworms - goes mad for anything wormy! I try not to give too many mealworms because of the chitin but I guess I can add more in until his poo firms up a bit?

Do superworms have another name? I'm in the UK and can't seem to find any :(
I think they are also called king worms.

Edit: They're called "giant mealworms" sometimes too, but often those are actually mealworms treated with something to make them bigger. You would want to avoid those. The scientific name for the superworm or king worm is Zophobas Morio, if that helps at all.

Thanks for that, I'll keep an eye out. I'm going to try and get him interested in eating fresh fruit/veg starting with something leafy like kale - whether it will happen or not i dont know, seeing as he's never seen a real leaf in his life. Any recommendations on fresh foods would be great!
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