Poo problem


My 9.5 month panther had been acting strange for a while I took him to the vets and he had a kidney infection. He was put on antibiotics for two weeks and had a poo test. he seamed much better and put on some weight and started eating better when back after the course and his kidneys were much smaller and the poo test was clear. Since then his pooing has been a bit weird he's constipated though it looks fine when he dose got just not very often he'll not go for a few days then get all lathargic and just sits under his basking spot. But he'll go if I give him a shower I put his winter bulb in (as its been a bit cooler) and stared feeding silkworks but he now only gose if I shower him. But I can't when im at work throw the week? Why won't he poo on his own anymore!? Hes 120g and 38cm in total lenth and hss been all month? Please help xxx

One of my male Nosy Be's gets constipated when he eats superworms. It could be the silkworms? Just a thought.
Superworms have hard body and do make him constipated but silkworms are soft and juicy so hes on them to make it easier from him to pass as he normally eats locusts.
Silks and hornworms are high in moisture content and if anything will make the poo a little runny. Chameleons do not have to poop every day. My guys would only go once or twice a week. You could try feeding him some baby food Pears. I have heard that they are helpful for constipation. There is a sticky at the top of the health clinic forum entitled Poop 101. You may find it useful.
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