Please help


New Member
I think my chameleon has eggs inside her,I've put a laying bin in her vivarium,but she doesn't seem interested in it....PLEASE Help
She may not be ready to lay just yet, although she does look rather big bless her! You did right to put a lay box in for her - when she starts roaming she will find it and know that it's there when she needs it. I used to use a mix of eco earth and play sand for my girls.
What substrate are you using in her laying bin?
What supplements specifically do you use and how often for each?
What do you feed/gutload the insects with?
If she shows any signs of going down hill get her to a vet ASAP.
What substrate are you using in her laying bin?
What supplements specifically do you use and how often for each?
What do you feed/gutload the insects with?
If she shows any signs of going down hill get her to a vet ASAP.
Sometimes cover ur screen cage with a towels,might help her feel safer and in the mood to lay,as soon u find her stop eating,that is a major sign to make sure she will be in a complete private quite moment without any disturbing,organic playsand and soil should be already in the laying bin nicely mix for her to dig :)
She does like quite plump!

Like others have said, make sure your sand conditions are great and give her lots of quiet and privacy (and make sure you respect said privacy).
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