People of Walmart

Oh crap, I didn't realize that someone was taking a picture of me when I wasn't looking!!.... my true identity has been revealed.... ;)
Dear lord...need I say more.

Rofl, yep, makes you wonder what world they think they're living in, LOL
Fashion police should arrest them (aka Paul Blart Mall Cop :D ) an haul them in for sound breifing of what folk wear in the real world!
Shame on "Cheeta Woman" below :D


And this guy? OMG dude, Fashion Cops are gonna kick down your door and come in with riot gear! What were you thinking when you dressed this morning? :D


And Natzi woman isnt doin herself any favors eh! :eek:


Hilarious stuff! I love it! :)

I don't know what it is about that place, but I avoid it like the skin just starts to crawl when I have no other choice but to walk in there.

What is it with that place? The smell? The poor people spending every last dime they have because they think they are getting such a good deal on something they don't need? :confused:
My local news channel did a story on this site yesterday morning. When I checked it at noon it was shut down for exceeding their bandwidth.
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