Panthers Harder to Care For?


New Member
Alright, well a pet shop owner told my family that a Jacksons would be better for me to get because it's cheaper and that Panthers die easier. I think he's wrong, but he may be right. I've got my heart set on getting a Panther, I just need some solid facts to persuade my family. So differences between Panther and Jackson, besides the obvious, aka horns and panther has better color?
They are more susceptible to stress and they are more expensive though. IMO they both stress they same. Don't listen to the pet shop guy he usually doesn't know what he's saying. I like panthers cause they are large. Just go with what you want. It's your choice. Plus what he says is a myth
Their keeping is similar in many ways but I would say the panther is the easier and more robust of the two. The biggest draw back for most is simply the cost of the cham its self
Provided were are talking both CB animals.
That is absolutely NOT TRUE!! Panthers are one of the most common first chameleon for people. Of course, no chameleons are "easy" but once you do you research, it becomes more simple.

Supplementing, watering, heat, and humidity will all be different.

Panthers get much larger, and will need a much larger cage than jacksons. Heat will need to be about low to mid 80s in the basking, with an ambient temp of around 65 to 70. Humidity, about 50 or 60 with large spike during misting to about 80 to 90. Supplementing, i would suggest repashy. They sell a powder that you can use everyday that is an "all in one" instead of using 3 different kinds on different days. Panthers are pretty hardy chameleons compared to a lot of them.

Jackson.. Well i've never kept them so i'll let someone with experience explain.
I've had a veiled, I just wanted to "upgrade" per say, looking for something more colorful that I can get attached to, since my first chameleon was older and got sick. Thanks guys
I've had a veiled, I just wanted to "upgrade" per say, looking for something more colorful that I can get attached to, since my first chameleon was older and got sick. Thanks guys

i did this i got a veiled as a starter to show that i wasnt gona kill my panther go for it man their not much harder but defiantly need more water and humidity
I've had a veiled, I just wanted to "upgrade" per say, looking for something more colorful that I can get attached to, since my first chameleon was older and got sick. Thanks guys

You should totally get a panther! They rock, my guy is super chill and let me handle him multiple times a day willingly. They do need larger cages, or you could setup a free range:D They seem a lot more chill when they're free ranged
Panthers get much larger, and will need a much larger cage than jacksons. Heat will need to be about low to mid 80s in the basking, with an ambient temp of around 65 to 70.

Shouldn't the basking temp of a Panther be upper 80's - low 90's? I hope so because my panthers basking spot reads 89, and has for a long time...
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