Panther turns 7


New Member
This guy turns 7 years old this month! He has fathered many offspring in his 7 years, moved with me I don't know how many times, modeled for several paintings and sculptures, been to educational demo's with dozens of kids oogling him, and has been the best reptilian pet I have ever owned. Happy Birthday Buddy!

I love th red patches on his knees and elbows.

reminds meof old mans clothing...

so handsome!
How great it that, happy Birthday and many more. i had only make it to 8 years but just barely. Still miss my Arnold. Enjoy your man every day, but knowing you, you already are. Good job raising him.
I cannot believe that he is 7 yrs old!!! What is your secret???? I just took on a 4 year old cham today and that gives me some hopes that he might stick around for awhile!!
I cannot believe that he is 7 yrs old!!! What is your secret???? I just took on a 4 year old cham today and that gives me some hopes that he might stick around for awhile!!

My secret? Its hard to say. Maybe my obsessive feeder insect gutloading. I would say in 7 years I have fed him 99.9% crickets and dubia, but they eat better than I do. I don't over-feed him either, he has never had big fat pads.
thats a good looking man! happy bday! haha it is interesting to go back and notice all of the things your chams have gone through!:D
He's looking great......better than my old guy looked at 7, and he made it to 9.
Sounds like they ate about the same too, mostly crickets and dubia with occasional other stuff (horns, butters...etc.), and never overfed him.

great job, keep it up.
Very nice looking cham! And good to see some happy news on a day when so many other members are having hard times! Congrats and happy hatch day!:D
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