New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male, Blue Bar Ambilobe panther chameleon, not 100% sure on the age, got him two days ago.
Handling - Have not yet
Feeding - 12 or so crickets, some in the morning and some in the late afternoon.Crickets currently being gutloaded with commercial gutload and celery. I am buying more veggies this afternoon.
Supplements - 1 month schedule: Calcium daily, calcium with d3 every two weeks, multivitamins every two weeks (when not using d3)
Watering - Chameleon is drinking happily, misting for 60 seconds every 3 hours.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Reptibreeze with insulation on 3 sides. 18x18x36
Lighting - one reptiglow 2.0 UVB and one reptiglow 5.0 UVB
Temperature - measured with instant read thermometer - 72-81 ambient, basking spot at around 90. Using two 100 watt bulbs.
Humidity - Humidity is at around 55 in the time between the misting and 75 during/immediately after misting.
Plants - 2 pachira money trees and one croton.
Placement - terrarium is in the corner of a my room next to a window. about 4 feet tall including stand.
Location - California
I posted a similar post in the lizard lounge but I'm updating and starting a new one here in the health clinic.
I just received my panther chameleon two days ago. He is eating well and drinking plenty of water. The only problem is that he is really dark all the time - ranging from black to dark brown. The only time I've seen him become colorful is when I stick my hand in the terrarium to give him crickets. He is lighter in the morning before I turn the heating bulb on. He is currently in his basking spot but still pretty dark. What can I do to help him out? Is it maybe because he isn't used to this new environment?
Your Chameleon - Male, Blue Bar Ambilobe panther chameleon, not 100% sure on the age, got him two days ago.
Handling - Have not yet
Feeding - 12 or so crickets, some in the morning and some in the late afternoon.Crickets currently being gutloaded with commercial gutload and celery. I am buying more veggies this afternoon.
Supplements - 1 month schedule: Calcium daily, calcium with d3 every two weeks, multivitamins every two weeks (when not using d3)
Watering - Chameleon is drinking happily, misting for 60 seconds every 3 hours.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Reptibreeze with insulation on 3 sides. 18x18x36
Lighting - one reptiglow 2.0 UVB and one reptiglow 5.0 UVB
Temperature - measured with instant read thermometer - 72-81 ambient, basking spot at around 90. Using two 100 watt bulbs.
Humidity - Humidity is at around 55 in the time between the misting and 75 during/immediately after misting.
Plants - 2 pachira money trees and one croton.
Placement - terrarium is in the corner of a my room next to a window. about 4 feet tall including stand.
Location - California
I posted a similar post in the lizard lounge but I'm updating and starting a new one here in the health clinic.
I just received my panther chameleon two days ago. He is eating well and drinking plenty of water. The only problem is that he is really dark all the time - ranging from black to dark brown. The only time I've seen him become colorful is when I stick my hand in the terrarium to give him crickets. He is lighter in the morning before I turn the heating bulb on. He is currently in his basking spot but still pretty dark. What can I do to help him out? Is it maybe because he isn't used to this new environment?