Panther and Jackson same room?


Avid Member
Hello, I am hoping for some advice, I searched and couldn't find any info.

I am planning on adding another chameleon to the room that houses my nosy be panther chameleon Moe. I have a smaller cage that opened up when Moe upgraded to his 2'x2'x4' cage. I would like a Jackson's but I wonder if the temp / humidity requirements (or other concerns) would make it impossible to provide ideal conditions for both species. The cage will sit next to Moe's cage with a barrier.

If Jackson's would be a bad match, I would welcome any suggestions.

I appreciate input from this great community.

I already have a barrier up so no worries there. If Moe sees the plant in the empty cage he will spend a lot of time climbing that side of the screen trying to figure out how to get to it.
I'm glad you asked this because I was wondering the same thing! We just got a pair of Jax recently and I was wondering if we could put a Panther in the same room since they like it warmer. Hehe. They are such cool animals!
My panther is next to and can see my Jackson's on one side and my Parson's on the other with no problems. Try it and see, if it doesn't work put up a divider.
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