Panic - Chameleonforums down


New Member
So does anyone besides me experience slight panic attacks when Chameleon Forums gives an error or otherwise appears down? Earlier today it (or my provider) didn't work for an eternity (30-40 seconds) and I was like an addict looking for a fix - just wondering if anyone else gets that nauseating feeling :)
Me too!! I was trying to reply to a thread on here earlier and my computer had a 'go slow' funny five minutes!!:eek: I even copied and pasted what I'd written just in case it all froze!! This forum is just too addictive! :D I am on here on and off from lunchtime until I drag myself away to get some sleep! :eek:

It's all Lily's fault!:D I hold her entirely responsible! My dear little green friend!
My wife came into the home office last night while I was reading the threads; I jumped when she tapped me on the shoulder. She said, "Are you on that lizard thing again? Why can't I just catch you looking at porn like a normal man." ;)
I'm embarassed how often I'm on the forums. So when my wife walks in my office I close explorer and then she thinks I was looking at porn.
OMG, i have the same problem with the addiction to this site. when they were down for maintenance one time, it just so happens that something not so good happens to my cham. Murphys law- if something can go wrong, chances are, it will.
Man I had to get up and leave my computer! I just knew something was wrong with my computer but everything else worked. I decided it was time to clean cages. My husband thinks I live on this forum.:)
It is a very resourceful site, u can never learn enough!! Its kinda like working for a vets office seeing all the different things that can go good or bad! Tricia
Mine too! Hubby says its better than some drama out there like the local forums with all the Army Wives on it! He's got his car and fish forums, I got you guys. LOL!! :)
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