Packing up and Sons Surgery Coming up


New Member
After 8 months of staying in this apartment, a friend of ours is letting us move into there apartment once they move out. We'll be breaking this lease early up oh well. So I'm packing up our stuff and crossing my fingers that we wont have to move again for a year. Since we were military, we never stayed in once place for more than 3 years. Just this year we've move twice with 6 months time frame. So sick of moving, ready to finally settle down and buy a place.

Also my son is going in for surgery December 27th. He's getting his tonsils removed. Hoping he wont get strep throat anymore after this. Although he doesn't like ice cream :/

I was military for seven years so I understand your pain in the moving department. When I was deployed, I worked on 19 different bases so I had to move all the time and just lived out of a ruck sack. I got so sick of moving that it wasn't even funny anymore. I'm finally out and soooooo happy that we have a house and are settled now. I hope things work out for you!
I almost know how you feel. My husband was in the Navy another 8 years after we got married. He did understand I did not choose to give up my career and follow him all over the world. I did fly to Japan 5 times while he was in Japan.

I am wishing you lots of luck with your son and the moving hassle. Hope you have a good Christmas.
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