Our new Panther Hercules


New Member
We just got Hercules last weekend from EpicChameleons.com Eric was wonderful! Here is our cute boy!!


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omg he is so small! Did he just hatch out!? They are so adorable when they are babies. Good luck with him. Do you have everything for your set up?
Thank you :) We're proud parents! :)

He has everything needed (spolied) lol.... we have 2 jacksons, 2 veilds, 2 gracefuls and now our Panther! He loves his new home.... it's amazing, he is so tiny he can climb on the smallest of branch on his live plants.... so cute!
omg he is so small! Did he just hatch out!? They are so adorable when they are babies. Good luck with him. Do you have everything for your set up?

HA thats what I was about to say, lol. Looks like he just popped fresh out the egg! A little cutie for sure........:D
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