Only $750?


Avid Member
Whatttt? Why are they so cheap?!?!
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I would venture to guess this about the going rate in that type of place for a "CB" parsonii.

If you were to import one it would be much more expensive than the 750$

Add in import/export license-100$
Designated port exception permit, if needed-100$
Inspection fees depending on port-175$ to 230$
Shipping we will just say 400$
If you need to pay for their cites documents-100$

Just round that to say 1500$

IF you are importing to resell then tack on another 1000 to 1500$ for importing such a rare and sought after species and you get your normal 2000-3000$ animal.
I see. I wasn't sure how much all that other stuff was... Well, if anyone has some extra money...

I'd like a couple of Parsons but sending money to someone I don't know in Bangkok, Thailand is not something I'll be doing. Does anyone here know that importer/exporter?
Good to know!

Good to know....thanks for the heads up! These days there are a lot more people out there trying to do scams. I buy and sell vintage glass from time to time and have gotten some of it from outside the USA. I've had a few wackos try to scam me by offering what looks like a legitimate item. Once you send your money to another country it's not easy to get it back. It hasn't happened to me, but I know some fellow collectors that got ripped off. I've gotten very leary of dealing with anyone I don't personally know that is outside the USA (outside of my fellow forum members, of course!)
Francois has weak and strong points. Baron Munchausen is something coming in mind a bit thinking about him so independently verify facts is always good idea because in past he was not always linked with reality. However he knows a lot about chameleons and has contacts (and enemies) in Madagascar from past to get them either way. I would not hesitate purchase from him but before paying is wise to let control copy of export permit by local CITES authority and ask if import will be allowed.
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