novice question on cleaning


New Member
sat pondering last night

when cleaning towels and poop out does one take everything out to do it as i have quite a bit of foilage in my viv and cleaning isnt going to be a lift and change process????

also with lots of places for karma to hide how do i know if there are any crickets/worms left to nibble him in the night as this morning i walked in to find him stalking a large cricket on a branch (first one id seen him actually stalk and chomp) :D

thanks in advance
The bottom of my cage flips open so I can remove stuff down there. I also cup feed so I don't have to chase feeders. I also hand feed worms as he usually won't eat them in his cup. I also find that the crickets will eat the harder bodied worms even if there are veggies in the cup.
Haha my cage is a big 2x2x4 beast too!
I have a hibiscus tree that I put him on and let him free range (in a safe place) while I pull out his live plants rinse the leaves. Then I wipe down all of his branches, vines and fake foliage with lysol wipes. after that I use a hand pump mister and rinse rinse rinse lol.
I let Ernie free range until the cage dries out a little.
The whole process takes me about an hour give or take a few miniutes and I do this about every 10 days.
Hope this helps!
I spot clean daily, but only take EVERYTHING out and do a "deep clean" including wiping all leaves much less often.

I cup feed unless I am there to ensure the crickets (or whatever) are eaten. But I also have home made cages with small gaps a cricket or roach could escape from, so Im as worried about that as the cham getting nibbled on. Try not to over feed and you should have too many go uneaten. Also You can put a piece of carrot or apple in the cage to give any uneaten crickets something other than your chameleon to nibble on.
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