NosyBe & Ambilobe- New pics


Avid Member
hey all, havent been here as much and thought to post up some recent pics from today....hope you enjoy them and tell me what ya think?

First up is Avyx my nosey be, he continues to surprise me with all his different colors, he is sure different among his superblue brothers







They both look great Ace! Bet they are enjoying the sun after the rain we had last week, I know my boys are.
WOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your guys are soo vibrant.......They are stunning.....I would have to say that Zulu might be one of my favorite chameleons of all time

P.S- The Nosy Be you have is in my strictly professional opinion not a pure nosy. He is a cross between a Nosy Be and possibly an Ambilobe and an ambanja. When i used to breed and nosys and ambilobes....i got a ton of crossbreeds looking exactly like your guy with his vivid turquoises, oranges, and red stripes across the face exactly like that. They are probably the most perfect/stunning of any crossbreed i have ever seen. I have also seen and heard of many threads on this forums where Bruce has mixed up a nosy be with one of his crosses.

If i were you, i would take this up with Bruce
They look amazing. How old is Avyx? Zulu is amazing as usual! How old is he as well? Great to see you around again! Seems like forever.
WOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your guys are soo vibrant.......They are stunning.....I would have to say that Zulu might be one of my favorite chameleons of all time

P.S- The Nosy Be you have is in my strictly professional opinion not a pure nosy. He is a cross between a Nosy Be and possibly an Ambilobe and an ambanja. When i used to breed and nosys and ambilobes....i got a ton of crossbreeds looking exactly like your guy with his vivid turquoises, oranges, and red stripes across the face exactly like that. They are probably the most perfect/stunning of any crossbreed i have ever seen. I have also seen and heard of many threads on this forums where Bruce has mixed up a nosy be with one of his crosses.

If i were you, i would take this up with Bruce

thank you for the compliments and i already had the assumption that could be a possibility. will see

however nosey bes in the wild naturally arent as well all blue, most are green, have reds spots and have red on the eye turrets, though im not saying it gives an explanation for how my guy is at the moment. He could be pure or a cross, i'll go confirm with Bruce
here are a couple more pics, im open for opinions and input about my noseybe not being all noseybe, in the mean timewhile getting back to Bruce, but overall he looks all noseybe to me...


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here are a couple more pics, im open for opinions and input about my noseybe not being all noseybe, in the mean timewhile getting back to Bruce, but overall he looks all noseybe to me...

He is soo beautiful! You should ask some big greeders and ryan josarek or tiki tiki....they are very good at spotting nosy be crosses. I have bred a ton of nosy bes to ambanjas and to ambilobes and a ton of the majority came out looking like your guy....

I am aware that nosy be's arent always solid fact... most of the time they arent...but some of the vibrant colors your guy has are not found in the typical Nosy Be.
He is soo beautiful! You should ask some big greeders and ryan josarek or tiki tiki....they are very good at spotting nosy be crosses. I have bred a ton of nosy bes to ambanjas and to ambilobes and a ton of the majority came out looking like your guy....

I am aware that nosy be's arent always solid fact... most of the time they arent...but some of the vibrant colors your guy has are not found in the typical Nosy Be.

he is awsome and has a great personality, havent had a mean cham yet, and i gotta say he does resemble to other nosybe crosses on the forums, so even if he is, wont matter much, already attached to the lil bugger:rolleyes:, but really wanted a noseybe, we'll see...
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Ace they look great. Your younger guy looks Nosy be to me. There are plenty of nosy's out there with red all over their bodies. He's very vibrant that's for sure.
Wow ace that was an awesome group of noseybes our boys came from. I love the reds in yours.and his glow is as good as it gets!!! congrads!
im no expert or anything, but he does look Nosy Be to me...he has the WC look going on, which in my opinion is better than the "true blue" that everyone is so crazy about...nice lookin chams

I am very new to Chameleons. In fact I have not bought one yet, just doing my research.
This may be a very silly question but are those the colors of the chameleon all the time? Thank-You:eek:
Got an announcement, after having some talks with Bruce, it came to be that he inclines to believe as well that Avyx is a cross, due to the nosybe clutch he hatched not having this much red as mine, and him having really blue proven lines to begin with, the "wild caught" look might of been a good excuse but my cham and Bruce's nosybes he hatched arent from a WC sire or dam. ...he is definatley the odd-ball

In the end i paid for a nosybe and received a potential cross, Bruce was more than kind enough to give me many different options including a FULL refund and willing to pay shipping to send Avyx back to him, i took that offer. By far he still has awsome customer service and plan to get a real nosybe when he has some available in the future.

All in all i feel a bit dissappointed but accidents happen, and Bruce was more than cooperative and honest which i greatly admire. I'm sending "Avyx" back to Bruce, its not that he is a cross tha was the problem but feel i should receive what i paid for, so nextweek, Avyx is being shipped back. Will take last pics of him before he goes, he is an awsome cham with stunning glow and very calm overall, and an awsome eater.
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Is it official and he is not a pure Nosy Be? I have seen Nosy bes from proven lines with red. Regardless, he will be a stunning looking guy.
Ace, I would have kept him!!! How did I miss this thread from before??? He is an awesome looking guy cross or no cross!
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