no poop, basking, odd behaviour. please help


Established Member
Hi guys,
I really need your help. I'm worried about my female ambilobe who is 7,5 months old.
Her behaviour started changing around a week ago. She started basking for most of a day and didn't want to get out of her cage, previously she wanted to get out almost every day. She also didn't poop for a three days, then made one very big. It's been four days since then and she still hasn't pooped another one. Before then she was pooping every day or every other day. I raised her basking temps thinking she might have trouble digesting, it's 86 now, but she is still sitting under it for 90-95% of a day.
I worried she might got sick or starting to develop eggs? I'm not sure. Here is some additional info:

59g for a month
61g 22nd-25th of August
62g today
my opinion: either she is developing eggs or it's just a poop in her intestines

green banana roach
08.18 (medium poop)
08.19 (tiny poop)
cricket, sumerworm - a while after shed (light but not white)
08.20 (tiny poop)
2 green banana roaches
cricket, locust
08.23 (huge poop)
cricket, white superworm
2 cricket, turkish roach
turkish roach, green banana roach
white superworm
nothing - I will probably wait for her to poop first

I haven't tested her for parasides, I will do it as soon as she poops.

Please tell me if I should be worried...
Hi! Not pooping every day is generally not too much to worry about. She is not eating very much so it's common to not poop every day. Sometimes my girl won't poop for a while then suddenly sh will do two in one day!

As far as eggs go, this could be a possibility since she has gained all thet weight. She could just be growing up too though.

Do you have a laying bin for her in case she does need to lay?
Oh, I forgot to add that. That is a problem, cause she is still in a small cage (hope the big one will be ready soon) and it's too small to place it there. I have a laying bin outside of her cage. It was availabe to her as I usually let her out or open her cage so she could roam in my room, which she did almost every day. But now she just says in her cage all day, just basking. I belive if she has eggs, she just started to develop them. She has no gravid colors, her belly isn't fat and I touch it every couple of days to make sure there is nothing there.
I guess my bigger concern isn't her not pooping, but the fact that she sits under the basking light all day. It's not her usual bahaviour.
Another reason her behaviour is changing is that she could be reaching maturity, you know that dreaded hormonal phase?

If possible and you are really thinking it could be eggs, you may want to try jannb's trash can laying bin idea. Just because the bin is around doesn't mean she is going to go use it. Some females can be rather reluctant to lay from what I gather.

I really wouldn't worry about the lack of regular poping though, a lot of chams go a long time without pooping.

My girl has been a bit lethargic lately too. I do suspect there's something up with her but also, I've not had her for a year and I don't know how she will react to seasons changing and irt getting darker.
Thank you, it calmed me down a little. I will definately be thinking about trash can if things will not change soon. Do you think I should keep the higher temps for now? She is acting strange, doesn't want me to grab her, earlier I didn't have to, cause she was coming to me on her own. Is it an issue that she just sits in her basking spot all day long?
If it were me I wouldn't keep the temps raised, especially if she's sitting under it all dayy. High temps can promote egg production and cause a larger clutch so if she is gravid, you would want to make it as small a clutch as possible. If you see her overheating ie. gaping then give her a good misting. Usually if when this happens to me myn girl has a drink and runs away which gets her out of the heat.

Just keep a keen eye on her. If in doubt, go see the vet, if there is something wrong you can get her sorted out, can get her checked for eggs and if nothing's up it'll put your mind to ease :)
Ok, thanks. I will probably try to lower the temps, but not as previously, cause it was quite low - around 79-80. I will watch her closely and hope she will go back to herself ;)
Thank again
80 is a pretty good temp for females so I'm told, that's what our is. I wouldn't go higher than 85 as then you're at risk of encouraging the egg production again.

I really hope you guys feel better soon :) please let us know how you get on!
Keep a smaller bin in there so you know when she starts diggin, then move her to the bigger bin when she does.
I hava a scheflera plant and I haven't covered the soil with rocks, so I hope this will be enough for now.
Still no poop, gave her two crickets today and took her outside. It's sunny and warm, but not too hot, so it's perfect for her :) She still doesn't seem too fond of me. On the bright side I found a good vet who takes care of animals in zoo in my area. He will be availabe tomorrow so I will make an appointment. Hope he has some experience with chameleons!
We've got a poop! Quite big one, 5cm or 2' :)
I got I tested right away and the vet said there are no parasides in it.
But it doesn't look good, the orange paet worries me, I see her drink every day, maybe even more then before. What do you think?


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Actually, that looks pretty good. When poop has been stored in the body for a long time the urate can get very orange. Note that the tip is white!
Yeah, it does....I hadn't even looked at that because you mentioned the orange. Is it possibly just a weird shape (you know....things like that do happen) rather than an actual "thing". It doesn't appear there's undigested cricket in there.
I'm sure one little cricket part is not too much to worry about. And Eliza is right about it going orange because she hasn't pooped in a while. Perhaps the poop was building up and building up and because she was still eating, that tiny cricket part didn't have time to digest completely before the poop got too much and HAD to come out. I would only worry if there was like an almost whole undigested feeder, I read that parts like cricket wings are hard to digest sometimes and if it's the females egg chute i believe it is something similar to the wings.

If the vet checked it and wasn't concerned then I wouldn't be either.
Ok, so I will keep monitoring her and probaby make an appointment with the exotic animals vet ;) Thank you for your help :)
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