New custom screen cage


New Member
To start out , my bad to everyone i blew up one the other day i was being an a**, so i am sorry and heres my new cage i built to show some new formed gratitude for the forum..and Lucy!!!

Remember i had a half glass half screen setup look what i have built with supplies from the local hardware store check it out and tell me what you think???

28x19x46 all screen with a dog pin bottom to catch the water


nice big door to get anywhere i want in there...


Heres Lucy outside hanging out getting some tru sunlight.
Dude I love the foilage and the highways. Did u build the whole thing yourself? If so could u pm me the materials. I want to build a bigger encloser to house my jacksons and just split it down the middle so it wont take up much space. Thinkin about making it out of wood. My uncles a carpenter, but your set up looks awesome. Btw, whats a dog pin bottom?
I have a small dog wire crate that came with a plastic bottom tray and i built the cage to that...but the whole enclosure was built with window sreen frames, window screen corners, screen spline, screen(wire or mesh), and some small hinges and stole a to locking clasp from a clock around the house. made a bunch of small window screens to measurement and screwed them together with 1 inch sheetrock screws. The foliage up top is thanks to the old trusty dollar tree and fastened them to the screen and other items to create a paridise for Lucy. If you want i can take exact measurements and draw up a diagram and send it to you if you would like? I spent probobly $25 bucks bulding this cage prior to spending $80 on a zilla or reptibreeze, not that there bad but i dont have that kind of money right this moment but it don"t look to different than some ive seen on here.
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