new cage


I will be getting Penelope (female veiled) a new cage this month and I am thinking about the Dragon Strand Medium Tall Keeper cage with the Dragon Strand Laying Box. Is the laying box a good idea? I am going to do my best to keep her from laying but I want to have a lay box available just in case. The things I worry about is the sand in the lay box staying to wet because of misting, and how to put vines, and branches in the cage without them touching the sand. She is still so little but I know she will soon need more room so I want to get her adult cage now. Would it be better to get just the cage and make a laying box that I can remove when needed? :confused: There are so many options out there and I just want to make sure I am getting what is best for my baby girl. :)
A laying box for veilds is always a good idea. I believe the dragon strand one can be moved somewhat easily so you can wait on putting it in. Some of the other veilds folk on here will probably be of more help.
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