New Cage For Lucy


New Member
I got the cage in on monday and have been working on it a little each night for the last couple of nights. i started off with some silk ivy from the craft store (washed it of course) and zip tied it to the sides to make a curtain of sorts to help keep in the spray from misting her.


then i took a thick biovine and wrapped it around the inside of the cage to give her something along the front and back of the cage to chill on at different levels for the temperature variance. i also zip tied some silk leaves to it just for looks.


then i added the umbrella plant


i also drilled a couple of holes in the bottome where the plant is sitting with a cat litter tub under it. can you guess my brand of choice??


i want to figure out something better for the drainage. im thinking of using some plastic sheeting taped to the bottom of the sides of the cage and running into the bucket. not 100% sure if that will work though. any suggestions? oh and after christmas i will be putting in a rain system using some mini irrigation hose.
Don't think so. They are used quit commonly by members of the forum. Search for it. Think the technical name is schleffera? Not 100% sure of the spelling.
Don't think so. They are used quit commonly by members of the forum. Search for it. Think the technical name is schleffera? Not 100% sure of the spelling.

There are a few types of Scheffelera (sp?). Ambrolica is the asian one, common name Dwarf Umbrella plant I think and it's the only acceptable one. I'm 95% sure that yours is an Amate or something else...and those are toxic. I'm not an expert though, someone else will clarify I'm sure.

The thing is, the one you have is a perfect cham plant other than that lol...big, strong and jungle looking. Search the forum and you'll find some pictures of the safe dwarf version.
Svinyard- thanks for the heads up! I checked when I got home and you (of course) were right. I took it back and got the correct one this time. Half the size but I'm thinking of putting a hanging plant in there. While at home depot I found a vanity with sink for 39$! It's the perfect stand for a cage like hers! It's 24 wide and 18 deep and 32 tall. Since it has the sink with it, I have drilled more holes in the bottom of the cage and have it siting over the sink. The sink is over a 5 gallon bucket for drainage. Even if for some reason the bottom fills up and leaks, it just goes onto the counter and then into the sink. I will post some pics after a shower. Got REALLY dirty washing the roots off ofthe new plant...


i need to get a stand of some sort to get the plant up higher till it grows. would there be any problems using fishing wire to suspend the plant in mid air? oh and there is Oso in the bottom pic! hes blind thanks to neglect of his prior owners...
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