Mystery Death?

my jackson chameleon died about 9 months ago he was doing great than one day he was black in the stomach and in is eyes were also black the eyes also sunken in, he was compeletly fine when i checked on him than i watched a movie and i came up he was like that, i think he may have eaten some moss on the bottom of the cage or it could with something that he is wild caught but i had him for over a year
my jackson chameleon died about 9 months ago he was doing great than one day he was black in the stomach and in is eyes were also black the eyes also sunken in, he was compeletly fine when i checked on him than i watched a movie and i came up he was like that, i think he may have eaten some moss on the bottom of the cage or it could with something that he is wild caught but i had him for over a year

We tend to forget that sometimes acute things happen and happen quickly. FYI, when a cham is close to death they lose control of their color change abilities. They can display very odd coloration in odd places on their body. It doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong in that particular area (such as the head or stomach). And, a dying cham often shows very sunken eyes. Its a sign of extreme illness.

Without a necropsy we probably can't suggest possible causes, considering that you had him for a year and assuming he had good care during that time. He could have been an older animal too.
he was not old when i got him here's a photo of when i got him IMG_1967.jpg
Sorry for your loss! I would say that you will probably never know the exact cause of death, due to the fact that you don't know his history. He could have been injured when caught or attacked in the wild. Could have been some sort of cancer. Could have been that he choked on something. Maybe he had some congenital condition causing a stroke or heart attack. The best thing you can do is move on, remember him, and learn from the experience.
So how long did you have him with her? Did you keep him with her when you noticed the signs of illness?
Jacksons can just suddenly die for no reason, especially as youngsters. He looks very young in that photo. I got my first Jax at 7 weeks and he was tiny, weighing just 2g! How is the female doing? Has she given birth yet?
In my opinion if he was over a year old he was well passed the stage of the drop dead zone for Jackson's. In my opinion he shouldn't have been bred in the condition he was in. And if he was left in the cage for prolonged periods that could also have played a roll. I hope you do better with the babies. And know how to raise baby Jackson's effectively. The best way to raise baby Jax from what I have read is in very small groups or preferably individual enclosures. With low level uvb 5.0 lights or natural sun.
That shows you are doing something seriously wrong in my book. I have never heard of such a big problem with stillborns. In my opinion you either have really bad genetics, are breeding far too young, or have really really bad conditions. You need to rethink everything in my opinion. Usually most babies survive at least to 4-6 months, if raised correctly they can survive passed that and be adopted out with no problem. In my opinion, a good breeder of jacksons babies would not adopt a jackson they raised out until at least 5 months, preferably 6 months.
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