My Yemeni female 7 months old chameleon need a operation


New Member
Hello please I need a help. Today I went to seen the veterinary specialist he did x-ray to my chameleon and I was told that it is necessarry to do the operation that she is full of follicular empty eggs, and that in case she will not go through the operation she can die one day. I really dont know how successfull could be this operation? How dangerous it is. She is so small my chameleon female


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I am sorry to hear about your female. Where are you located? Do you know how much experience the vet has? How long has your female looked very lumpy with eggs? Do you know what she weights? I am asking all the questions to hopefully be able to better help you.
Hello again, yes i tried to give her the bin, but she dont waant that. I am located in the Czech republic, they are saying that the vet is one of the best ones for reptiles, her weight is 100 gramms, two weeks ago she refused to eat for 7 days, but now she is eating normally. She looks very lumpy for 1.5 months. Before 1,5 months he did the x-ray but there were not the empty eggs
I contacted one of our members in England who has been thru this with her chameleon. I am hoping we hear back from her.
You said she is full of "follicular empty eggs"...don't know what you mean. If she has follicles (round) inside her and is in stasis then she might not be able to lay them. If they are (oval) eggs (have ovulated) then (unless they are deformed/fused or she has a reproductive deformity) why didn't the vet try oxytocin to see if she could lay them?

Spaying can be done successfully...but like all surgeries there are risks.
I dont know the doctor told me only the way is the operations I dont know if the word is the same in English, he showed me the ex-ray picture and told me follicular eggs, she never been with the male. He also told me that in case she fall down from tree, she can die when the egg crash in her.
Hello please I need a help. Today I went to seen the veterinary specialist he did x-ray to my chameleon and I was told that it is necessarry to do the operation that she is full of follicular empty eggs, and that in case she will not go through the operation she can die one day. I really dont know how successfull could be this operation? How dangerous it is. She is so small my chameleon female

I'm sorry to hear about your baby girl!

I don't know how common this procedure is but I know it can be successful. My female Yemen also had to have this procedure done on her. I don't know her conditions before the surgery though, because I didn't get her till after the surgery. She is happy and healthy now though, and the clinic that did her spay was not one that specializes in reptiles.

I think there is lots of hope for your girl yet.
thank you very much so she is going for the operation on wednesday, I hope she will be fine, and what about the anestesia, he told me they have inhalational anestesia
My vets have used isoflurane or sevoflurane with success (inhaled). The chameleon is put in a jar and the inhaled gas goes into the jar through a tube. When the chameleon is asleep, its removed from the jar and the mask is put over its nose.
In the x-ray...are the eggs round or oval???
If the eggs are round then they should be follicles....and the vet must think/know she's in stasis.

I know a vet who has had quite good success with spaying chameleons.
thanks , I am afraid, she is so small you can se the pictures on the top, I hope it will be sucessful. But the vet is probably in Canada :)
I am in the Czech republic :-( I wish everything will be fine, she is so hungry the chameleon
I was just meaning that the surgery has been done to chameleons successfully...not that you would use this vet!
In my experience, any vet that is willing to operate on a reptile is likely to be competent at it. Also if she's not going to lay these eggs, isn't she likely to have a better chance risking an operation than leaving them in her?
ok, we will got through it on wednesday than I will let you know what is going on with her. She seems to be ok now. She is eating all the time, and she is normal doing. Thank you all of you for help and I will let you know on wednesday:)
I am so sorry to hear that your little one also has an egg problem. Laurie sent me a message regarding her, but I just got back from my sisters home. I have PM`d you now and really hope it is some help. My thoughts are with you both. Good luck :)
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