My guys outside all day...


Avid Member
It was 79 and sunny today,,, that happening in the Deep South in July is crazy,,, we're taking it!!!
My Stanley...




"Wild Man" Ragnar...

Perfect chameleon weather. Glad you were able to get your guys outside. It was a bit cooler here today because it was rainy, cloudy and overcast most of the day.

Ragnar is getting big!
Perfect chameleon weather. Glad you were able to get your guys outside. It was a bit cooler here today because it was rainy, cloudy and overcast most of the day.

Ragnar is getting big!

Jann, they had a great day outside, 6 hours...

I must weigh Ragnar,,, he eats like a horse! Twice as much as the other two put together!!!
I'm glad all your guys got to enjoy a beautiful day outside. 79 and sunny for July? Wow you're making me jealous with that nice weather. It was close to 90 here in south FL and very humid. We won't have nice weather like that down here until the end of October if we're lucky.:(
I'm glad all your guys got to enjoy a beautiful day outside. 79 and sunny for July? Wow you're making me jealous with that nice weather. It was close to 90 here in south FL and very humid. We won't have nice weather like that down here until the end of October if we're lucky.:(

Hey Russell, this is really unusual freaky weather for us!! It's usually soooo hot, sticky and humid you would melt going outside... My guys had a great day outside!!! Hoping for some more wonderful days this week!!
Your guys are looking gorgeous! We are having cooler weather too- hoping to get my guys out tomorrow.

Thanks Jennifer!! Our weather has been so up and down! I get them out every chance I get, hoping for a few more pleasant days this week! I hope you get to get your guys out soon! They just seem to love getting outside!
It's always nice to see Stanley and of course that handsome Krayola. Ragnar is showing some blue now too. :)

Give Stanley a kiss from me.
Hi Lisa
All your guys look fantastic!!! Ragnar is coming on strong with some very nice color.... You did good :D
Glad to see your crew enjoying themselves! ;) I think by Friday and Saturday the weather should dry out and be nice enough for some outside time. Zaphod hasn't been much for pictures lately, but I'll try again :D. Glad to see everyone doing well! :)
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