My F/R set up.

Lee Cope

New Member
Hello folks, I'm new to this forum, but I've kept reptiles for most of my life. I currently have a male Nosy Be Panther Chameleon called the General. I've had him for about one year now and he's free roaming in my flat. I did have him in a mesh enclosure at the beginning, but he prefers to be free.

I've attached a few photos of how he is living.

The daytime temp is 75-85F during the day and drops to 60-65F at night. Water spraying occurs 4 times a day and he drinks from a cup that I've secured upon his climbing frame. Morio worms are his meal of choice with the odd Locust from time to time.

I'm currently looking for other bugs for him to eat and this is why I've joined this forum. :)



Is that his FR? It looks like he could use more foliage and things to climb on, then he can drink off of the leaves when you mist (chams don't generally drink from a cup or standing water).
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