My Chameleon Flashed Me!!!


Established Member
Yesterday, I was just walking by his cage and I noticed something RED(and I mean really red) near his bum.
I raced over to get a better look and he had his, ah, male appendage out!
It seemed like he was stretching it or something? It was kind of flexing and rolling around.
Is that normal? He's a 5.5 month old Ambanja Panther, so is he just starting to go though like puberty or something?

He did this twice last night and I've never seen him do this before.
i've also seen mine do this several times right around that age, scared the hell out of me. He was just kinda 'thrusting' it around in mid air as you described.

Now that I think about it at that age his tail bulge really looked too big for his body size and I was really worried about a prolapse cause I would sometimes see a tiny pink/white 'tip' sticking out of his vent even when it was closed up, but this was mostly when he was basking and the vent was in a more 'relaxed' state rather than tightly closed when they're just climbing around. He seemed to grow into it though and his tail bulge is much more proportionate with his body size now so all is good
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