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You look in the news these days and you see where most multivitamins in humans are useless, and some are considered to be downright harmful. That being said do you guys think someone is going to do a study on the use of multivitamins in chameleons and come to the same conclusion? Has there been any studies that show a real benefit to the use of them on chameleons?
The difference between the two is that we do not replicate natural diets in captivity, and so it is best to supplement.

We eat when we want to, what we want to, and most of the time in excess of what we need. So supplements in our diets is basically useless. Only time its actually needed is when you limit your food intake if you are on some sort of diet.
If you have scurvy a multi vitamin with vit c is going to help I don't care what these studies say.

I assume that's the kinda thing giving the muti vit is for, in my case once every two weeks. You hit any nutritional gaps you could be missing in your regular feedings.
The difference between the two is that we do not replicate natural diets in captivity, and so it is best to supplement.

We eat when we want to, what we want to, and most of the time in excess of what we need. So supplements in our diets is basically useless. Only time its actually needed is when you limit your food intake if you are on some sort of diet.

I have kept chameleons for over 20 years and have always supplemented, and have had one Veiled live 9 years. So I would never stop doing it unless it was found to cause more harm than good, but even then I would be skeptical after all 9 years is a pretty good run. No I was just playing devil's advocate. and wanted to hear your guys take on it. :)
It is interesting that the D3 had no effect. Looks to me that it would be much more beneficial to make sure they get real sunlight when ever possible. I wish we could see the whole report without having to spend that much money. Thanks for sharing this article though. :)
Well if this don't show how important it is to get your cham some real sun I don't know what would. Thank you for providing this link. :)
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