mister or dripper?


New Member
I'm trying to decide which one to get and i can't decide which is better or which one people prefer let me know what your guys input is on both of them :)
i have both i hav the little dripper which i leave on for a while and i mist for about 2-3 minutes 2-3 times a day
i have both i hav the little dripper which i leave on for a while and i mist for about 2-3 minutes 2-3 times a day

how do you have your dripper ??? i have seen some people cut holes in the screen and stick the hose through there. idk the best way to do it lol
i built my own cage so my dad got a screen with some pretty big holes and the tube for the dripper fits right in there
does anybody have one of the mini,medium, or large water drippers from LLLreptile???? do these use a hose as well or does it just come out of the nozzle?
With a phillips screwdriver spin a hole the size of the hose forhe litte dripper. Make sure its cricket safe! =D, I just want to know if I can turn it off at night, I mist quite a bit, just not at night!?
does anybody have one of the mini,medium, or large water drippers from LLLreptile???? do these use a hose as well or does it just come out of the nozzle?
drippers arent reccomended. They have no management of when to drip ie timer.
They also dont keep humidity up and pool water on bottom of cage that can lead to parasites and bacterial growth. I would reccomend either hand misting (must be able to do long misting sessions every 4 hours (4 times) per day. If not you have afew options. Mist king is generally reccomended and for a small setup you get the cheapest set for 100 bucks. if you are on a budget you can get the habba mist which is 40. The habba mist and mistkings are the only ones i would reccomend as some others like the monsoon have serious problems. The habba mist wont keep humidity up as much and the mist isnt as fine. but if your on a budget it will satisfy you.
Drippers are definalty RECOMMENDED. You can either cut a hole in the screen (for the hose) or left the drips fall from the nozzle. It is up to you. As for a low budget misting system, You defiantly want to stay away from the habbamister. Alot of people call it a habbaspitter because thats pretty much what it does. It is also extremly loud. The Exo-Terra Monsoon looks to be a great low budget auto mister.
exo terra monsoon is being taken off of many pet store shelves and online sellers, because of its maufunctions, habba mister does have problems with the mist not being so fine, but its not that bad, and loud well, if you are low budget, loud is all you can afford, as for drippers, they do have their advantages but as a primary water and humidity source they arent great, especially if you dont have good drainage. Its all about the setup, i wouldnt put a habba mister with newborns as they could drown, i wouldnt use the dripper as a primary source of water or humidity, frankly if you dont have enough for a mechanical mister, just hand mist and use a little dripper (and set up a good drainage ssystem.
Once again, mis-information given by Bechsgaard. The monsoon was taken off the shelf due to malfunctions about 6 months ago BUT those problems were fixed and Exo Terra stood by thier products and replaced the malfunctioning products....... they are back on the shelf and working great.IMO, if u asked anyone on here more than likely most of them would say don't waste ur money on the Habba mister.....
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