Luie and Camille's Son Ichabod


Chameleon Enthusiast
Dave (dparks) paid me a visit yesterday and brought Ichabod for me to see. He lived in NJ when he got Ichabod but recently moved to FL. This first picture is with my cell phone when they first arrived and my dog Red was barking and Ichabod was scared and flared up but his colors were gorgeous. I could see Luie and Camille both in him and he has the big H on his side just like his Daddy.


He was a busy boy out back for a photo shoot but we managed to get a few good ones.




Dave had never seen a parson before and was amazed with Padre.

Your chams look great in all of the pictures, but the first especially! He was a feisty guy!

I've never seen a Parsonii in person either. I REALLY want to.
i know i have said this before but your parson's is the most beautiful large chameleon i have ever seen. i love how content he seems even when held.
wish zilla was better with being held.
That's very cool - to see how well your offspring are doing. Great photos! Luie is the man . . err cham.
I love the attitude of Ichabod in his last pic!
Padre is so breathtaking, I can't imagine having a chameleon like that, someday I am coming to Florida and ask if I may stop by to see you and the kids!!
Ichabod is such a handsome boy! I love the last pic of him. Padre is stunning... almost posing, very regal. He's quite impressive to say the least :)
Well another beautiful offspring of the famous Luie and Camille! Jann your photography could make the "ugliest" chameleon look spectacular! That is meant as a compliment, not saying any of yours are of course! lol!!! :rolleyes: I always enjoy your pictures. you can see ever little detail! i love them!!!
Thank you everyone for the nice compliments on Luie & Camille's son, Padre and the photos. It was a pleasure to spend the afternoon with Dave, his friends and Ichabod. I still love all the L & C kids and it brings me such pleasure to see them.
He's spectacular Jann! All of your critters are! I would love to meet a Parson's or own one after I am done with college and can afford one ha. :rolleyes:

Ichabod is just as amazing as Luie. ^__^
Louie and Camille sure do produce some beautiful babies! (just like them ;)) And Padre is spectacular!
Looking good, Ichabod! And that tail on Padre is amazing - I hadn't realized how thick and stocky it was (which makes perfect sense, given his size).
Thank you everyone for the kind words.

Suzi, I agree that Luie and Camille has some beautiful kids! I'm bias of course. :)
May I start by saying Jann was simply an amazing host! We had a great day and it was a pleasure to be able to show Jann Ichabod. I moved down to Florida a little over two months ago and one of the first things I thought about was making sure Jann had the opportunity to see Ichabod and the joy she has brought to me by bleesing me with this little guy. I also have to say that the pictures do not do Padre justice. Regal was the perfect word to describe this animal. It was as if he knew all eyes were on him. He was so perfectly behaved and not once did he show even the slightest sign of stress or agression. Padre is a true ambassabor among chameleons the world over.
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