Lucy looking fat and changing colour,problem?

jackie stone

New Member
Lucy was born in June and the last few days she has been looking fat and more colourful,she is normally a biy shy but if you walk past her enclosure she climbs all over you,should I be concerned?
How old is she? She may have to lay. So make sure you have a laying bin for her. She's beautiful.
She has always had a laying bin in her enclosure on the advice of the breeder,she hasnt been with a male,if she is to lay infertile eggs how long before she does?Does the colouring mean she will?
I'm not too familiar with females, but they do change to a specific color when they are carrying... I just cant quite remember what color/ variation they usually have. Just keep her laying bin moist enough that she can dig a tunnel in and she will do her thing when she's ready, if she indeed has to lay. Afterward, if she lays, give her lots of water and a little extra food and calcium for a few days.
For veileds its difficult to predict when the first batch of eggs will be depends on how much they are being fed as well as other things. Because you have a place for her to dig in the cage, as long as the husbandry is good she will let you know by digging there. She will drink more, roam the cage, maybe eat less when/if she has eggs.
Awww, Jackie! She's grown up, bless her! Lucy is absolutely gorgeous! She looks bigger than Amy and is certainly a more vibrant green.:D She looks older than 4 months to me! Have you weighed and measured her? Amy is 8 months now and at her last weigh-in she was 122g and measured 6 inches snout to vent. It is possible that Lucy has become receptive - Lily used to roam and 'escape' whenever I opened her door when she was receptive.
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