Look what I figured out


New Member
I figured out that water comes out of that bright pink thing, and that if I put my tongue to it, water will just keep coming out of it!




It's too much work, you know, to grab a pair of scissors to cut off the plastic tie. I think I'll pay someone to do it for me.
My panther just started making this connection over the weekend. He always has to sneak up on the nozzle from below.. then he starts flicking his tongue at it like a cricket!
That is so cute, he is a smart little guy :)
My guyz run away from the sprayer.
Maybe I should find one with a pink nozzle ;)

I almost never get to see any of my chams drink!
How long have you had him??? I mean have you been doing that since he was young and he is just figuring it out?
I love it when my chams do this. So cute. My Jackson prefers to be served via the little squeeze medication applicator and since he's spoiled...I do it. :S
Oh mine will still drink from water droplets on the leaves created by the mistKing. I've only had this guy for two months. Mine are free ranged 24/7, so it's not always that he'll come over to me to do it, but sometimes he'll run across the room to me when he sees the PINK sprayer. I'm not sure how he figured out that sprayer = water cuz I don't even mist by hand that often. Maybe he's just really attracted to pink.
so cool my guy hates it when i spray him he just turns round and runs although he does go for water drops like its a cricket witch is quite funny:)
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