Leaving town for a few days


New Member
Happy holidays everyone!!!
My wife and I have a trip planned next week for a few days. All my setup is in timers (lights,fogger,mister) so I know my chams will be good on that front. But my question is: "Is it ok to leave ur chams for a few days. The only thing I can see being a problem is feeding for those days.
Want to get ppls opinion...
How old are your chameleons? I think age usually dictates when you can skip a day or two of feedings.

Timers are fantastic. It's good you have them.
How old are your chameleons? I think age usually dictates when you can skip a day or two of feedings.

Timers are fantastic. It's good you have them.

I have a 2 1/2 month old veiled chameleon. And a 2 month old jax. I've been going a little heavy in feedings so they will be more full
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