King Worms / Super Worms?


New Member
Is there a difference? I just bought some kingworms, instead of superworms, Cause they were out of superworms... Just wondering if theres a difference?

P.s I bought 100 Crickets, but they were busy and she rushed, and she got probably 300 for me, for the price of 100 ... BONUS! :D
well one website says this..
Superworms come in large size.. They have legs. These are not red worms, or composting worms. They are mainly used for feeding reptiles. Superworms are also known as Kingworms or Zoophobas.

and another says this

[FONT=Arial, helvetica, verdana, times new roman]Kingworms are regular mealworms that are grown large artificially. Superworms (zophobas) are a separate species (and cannot be refrigerated). Superworms are great to use semi-sparingly, where mealworms or kingworms should probably not be used at all.
The terms superworm and kingworm are used interchangably in the petstores near me. However, some petstores will sell supermealworms and you do NOT want those. I use kingworms (superworms) quite often as a feeder. I would never use supermealworms or any kind of hormone altered artificially large mealworm.
Hmm.. So im geussing there the same... im pretty sure superworms are differant though :p :D not sure though.. haha thanks Syn :D
I would stick to SUPER worms, and next time ASK if they are just bigger mealworms, because you DON'T want these. (not sure about Canada's stuff, soooo yeah. Just thought I'd give you both websites say.)
the proper name for Kingworms / Superworms is Zophobas morio
the proper name for mealworms (or supermealworms) is Tenebrio molitor
use these terms to ensure you are getting what you want.
I would stick to SUPER worms, and next time ASK if they are just bigger mealworms, because you DON'T want these. (not sure about Canada's stuff, soooo yeah. Just thought I'd give you both websites say.)

you're right, it is best to ask specifically what you are buying

Superworms, at least around my area, means the big unnatural mealworm
whereas Kingworm means what the USA folks tend to call superworm.
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