Just ordered A B.A.H. misting system


New Member
Well I just ordered a bah misting system. I have read about some others MK , PM , RM but im hopeful this will be of decent quality and enough pressure to carry to my two cages. This all started because of my failed automated drip system which i might resume r an d on it at a later time. Any thoughts?
It's the bigappleherp.com one. I didn't want to offend any site sponsors which may be moderators so i just abbreviated. Here is the link: http://www.bigappleherp.com/Big-Apple-Misting-System
A little pricey in a way. I probably could have pieced it together myself but with my failure in pumps earlier with my rain bar drip system which was way too underpowered or maybe just a faulty (15$ ebay)pump this (hopefully) will be a great solution. I have two shy drinkers that dont like to drink when im around. Stool and eyes look great and have snuck around a few times and witnessed them drinking more like lapping off of leaves or hanging on the soaker vine.Plus i manually mist two to three times day for all those worry warts out there. ;-)
I have no knowledge of the mister you are talking about but a mistking can do up to 20 cages.
I have a mistking and will say it is a quality unit. Ultra fine mist and loads of pressure.
Well I just got it installed. Powerful little pump. The tubing that came with it is a little bit soft and pliable which is nice for putting it together but not for holding up pressure. I ran to the garage after shutting it off of course and grabbed a few hose clamps.
2nd trial did much better and I stayed much drier. I then noticed a few leaks on the connections so back to the garage for some teflon tape.

3rd time no problems. All in all a pretty nice product. Would be nice for it to include the hose clamps. Now I'm looking for some nicer nozzles.

I once read about some nice swivel jobs that also have a no drip feature. Mine bleeds off in the form of a drip for about a minute and that water would best be used by the plants and my chams in the form of mist. Anyone know the maker of these? Thanks for reading.
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