Is she gravid?


New Member
Sorry I didn't see this (How to ask for help.) before I posted my question earlier.

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Skittles is a female Veiled Cham. She is 8 months old. She has been in my care for 5 months.
Handling - Since we had her we have only handled her maybe a half dozen times. I know they don't care to much to be handled and she seems to not care for it either.
Feeding - 12 Crickets every morning. She usually eats them all with in 5-10 mins. Wax worms maybe a dozen a month, usually because the pet store is out of crickets. Romaine lettuce, greens twice a week.
Supplements - I was dusting her crickets every other day with Flukers Calcium with D3 and Zoo Med's Reptivite. A kind member showed me the correct dusting schedule and will follow it from now on Thanks Carlton! (Plain calcium (no added vit. D3) daily...not a heavy dusting.
Calcium with added vit. D3 once every 2 weeks.
Herp multivitamin dust once every two weeks.) I just went and got Zoo Med's Repti Calcium with no D3 for the everyday dusting.
Watering - Dripper and sprayed down twice a day.
Fecal Description - After looking at the poop thread I would say her poo has been normal.
History - She came from PetCo 5 Months ago.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Zoo Med 30" x 16" x 16" screen cage. (plan on getting a bigger one)
Lighting - Zoo Med's double lamp with a 13 watt 5.0 UBV and a 40 watt Zoo Med's daytime basking bulb. I also have a 40 watt Zoo Med's night basking light which I only used when the room gets under 70 at night. Which hasn't been under 70 since June. Light is on a timer, on time 7am to 8pm.
Temperature - Room temp is on average 75 degrees Basking area low 80's. I use a digital hydrometer/thermometer.
Humidity - Is usual between 60-75% depending on weather.
Plants - Since I had her she has had two live plants in her cage. A Ficus & a Hibiscus both she ate to there was no foliage left. The Ficus Died and the Hibiscus is on the porch coming back to life. As of now just plastic plants.
Placement - Her cage is about 4 feet of the floor by no vents or windows in a light traffic room.
Location - Upstate New York.

Current Problem - As I stated before in my other thread starting yesterday she has not eaten and is non stop moving around her cage and even walking on the bottom which I have never seen her do since I had her. At times she has her tail up as if she was taking a poo. She did poo this morning and looked normal. Today I went to the pet store and purchased Eco Earth coco substrate and filled up a 5 gallon fabric pot and moistened it to where she could dig tunnels without collapsing on her. Thanks for the link JaxyGirl! I will re moisten tomorrow since she is now asleep in her fave spot. I also covered her cage with a blanket so she doesn't get interrupted during this crucial time. We really don't want Skittles to become egg bound! Is there anything else this could be? Why is she non stop moving around and not eating?

Thanks again for any help, much appreciated.
Well not much has changed besides she has ate 2 Crickets in the last 4 days (better than nothing) and her 2 back feet are shedding. Oh yeah I also replaces the fabric pot with a bucket because the fabric kept rolling over covering the substrate. She is still not stop moving as if she is looking for a way out, mostly hanging upside down and walking around on the top of the cage. I have increased her misting to 6 times a day. By the pics does she look like she is holding eggs? Please help!


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I only have a male panther, but she looks awfully wide so I would guess she is gravid. I was just reading up on this (for panthers mind you), and they mentioned having a 16" x 16" x 16" laying bin and said that the depth is very important. It also said that as they get close to laying they will pace almost nonstop. So with all that said, to me it sounds like she wants to lay her eggs. Not sure if you've seen this link before, but they have a section at the bottom for females and laying eggs.

Good luck with your girl!
My young female (wild caught) quad was restless the way you describe for a few days before she laid her clutch even though she had a laying bin that covered the whole floor of her cage. .

Another same-age quad was very restless the other day for days on end. I accidently left the cage door open and she marched herself across to one of my male quads cage and climbed up on top of his cage. I put her in his cage, she was a very happy girl. I hope I got a breeding because she was unreceptive the next day. Her restlessness has stopped.

I have another young female quad (same import shipment) who got very restless at the bottom of her cage. I gave her a bigger cage and she settled down.
What a pretty (and adorably chubby) girl!!
Maybe cover up the sides for a little bit so that she has some "privacy" to do her laying? I don't have experience with female chams myself but I've seen that recommended elsewhere.
Thanks guys..

Yep JoCarp I saw the video and have been reading alot about Veiled's on here, it's an awesome site with pretty much all you need to know. I just wish I did my research before I got one. I don't regret getting her, she's one of the coolest pets ever. She's in good shape besides what ever is going on now and what I know now I should have no problems with taking care of her even better for a long life.

Yep JaniP I have had her cage covered since Thursday. I just took it off for the pics to get opinions. Thank you.

Only thing I haven't tried was put her in a big laying bin to where she can't get out which I am doing tonight. Wish Skittles luck!

Thanks again guys. :)
Here it goes! Put her in a 16" diameter bin with 10" of substrate. I hope she is much skinnier in the morning. I know I can't rush it but i'm very concerned that she is not eating and can become egg bound. Is there anything else I can do? If nothing has changed in a day or 2 we will be making a vet visit.


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I dunno, I feel like crap for putting her in there and covering it up with a towel. Her bin is here right next to me in my computer room (quietest room in the house) and heard her scratching on the side for about a half hour and went silent. I don't want to peek and mess up her mojo if she has one going but want to peek so bad! Geez I hope she is gonna be ok! :(
A $158.00 for the vet to tell me what I already knew and some liquid calcium. Then tells me it was most likely best if I just kept her home and not stressed her out by the vet visit.. Brutally honest but honest. He said she was healthy and full of eggs and weighed 119g. He also told me he thinks she is older than 8 months old. He said more closer to a year old. Petco told me 3 months old 5 months ago. He told me to keep doing what i'm doing and make sure she stays well hydrated. Then hit me with after I asked.. "Yes she can become eggbound, it happens." But told me to continue to keep her in the laying bin with her lights and she should do what nature does. She did eat one cricket today and alittle bit of greens. I seem to be talking to myself on here but for what its worth I will keep her status updated. Since this seems to happen to newbies often. Come on Skittles, push them out!
A $158.00 for the vet to tell me what I already knew and some liquid calcium. Then tells me it was most likely best if I just kept her home and not stressed her out by the vet visit.. Brutally honest but honest. He said she was healthy and full of eggs and weighed 119g. He also told me he thinks she is older than 8 months old. He said more closer to a year old. Petco told me 3 months old 5 months ago. He told me to keep doing what i'm doing and make sure she stays well hydrated. Then hit me with after I asked.. "Yes she can become eggbound, it happens." But told me to continue to keep her in the laying bin with her lights and she should do what nature does. She did eat one cricket today and alittle bit of greens. I seem to be talking to myself on here but for what its worth I will keep her status updated. Since this seems to happen to newbies often. Come on Skittles, push them out!

Did the vet do an x-ray to see how far along she is? If she doesn't lay soon she will need Oxytocin to go along with that calcium. The best of luck with her.
My egg laying blog incase you haven't read it:
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