Is she alright?

Update: She ate one dusted cricket today and she didn’t want to eat more. She was not dark color all day which is good. I ordered new enclosure similar to this in the picture below. I didn't see her drink today but her eyes are not sunken in and her poop looks fine.
THE FIRST THING EVERY SINGLR ONE OF MINE DO IS LOOK OUT THE WINDOW !!! I am not an expert I think they need to explore with there eyes to thrive
Here's some information that might help you understand supplements a bit better.

Vitamin D3 from supplements can build up in the system and lead to health issues like MBD if it's that's why we only dust lightly with a supplement that has it in twice a month.
D3 produced from exposure to UVB lights will not build up in the system as long as the chameleon can move in and out of it at will and the UVB light bulb is the proper by only dusting twice a month we ensure that the chameleon gets some without overdosing it and leaving the chameleon to produce the rest from its UVB exposure.

Of course, the chameleon needs enough calcium, which is transported by the D3, to be able to form the strong bones and muscles and other things. It's hard to overdo the calcium as long as the chameleon doesn't get too much D3 from supplements.

Calcium and phosphorous need to be in balance for good bone health as well. We dust the insects lightly with the phos free calcium powder because most feeder insects we feed to the chameleon have an improper ratio of calcium to phos. We have no hope of feeding the chameleon the same diet it gets in the wild so we just try to adjust what we can feed them to be the best it can be by feeding the insects a nutritious diet and supplementing them,

Vitamin A needs to be in balance too. Vitamin A and D3 are somewhat antagonistic to each other so it's important. Vitamin A from supplements, like D3, is fat soluble so it will build up in the body if it's in the prEformed (retinol/"meat") source. If it's from the prOformed (carotenoid/veggie) source it won't build up in the system...the body converts it as needed. However there is controversy over whether a/any chameleon can convert it or at least convert it well enough that's why we use a supplement with a prEformed source twice a month. It ensures the chameleon gets some...hopefully enough.

Hope this helps.

I love this... just one question, what does phosphorus and magnesium do for the chameleon. I’m using all three Arcadia supplements and I’ve always wondered
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