Is no basking light in the summer ok?


New Member
So the last few days I have noticed that Waldo is seeking cooler areas of his cage. I checked his basking temp and it had elevated to about 90. I immediately turned it down with my dimmer, but I have got to almost dim a 60 watt all the way down to where it is barley putting out any light. I realized that with the change of time lately the sun has also changed its course a little so the room gets a little hotter than it has been. This is a large room but we have a sliding glass door that expands the length of the room as well. During the summer it can't get pretty warm in there and sometimes we have to close the blinds. So I am wondering if the room or ambient temp is higher is there a specific need for a basking light as long as areas of his cage are lower 80's for food digestion?

Thanks all!

Any other thoughts? Anyone not have to use a basking light when it gets warmer. I am thinking I will still keep it but just keep it dimmed down a ton. The t5 HO I have puts off a little heat and I think when summer time comes and the temp of that room, he may be just fine without one. Going to see what the temp is as the weather gets warmer but I fear it will be pretty warm. Hmmm, may have to go ahead and start building that enclosure where my indoor pond is.....perfect excuse to turn that into an enclosure area instead of a pond :D. I love excuses to build more stuff...LOL
He will be fine but will still need the "light". So whether you provide it from fluorescent lighting or LED's. He still needs that stimulation.

I would still offer a basking spot with a 40 watt or maybe even a 25 watt if you can find one. It is normal for them to go out in the sun "Basking spot" for a period of time and retreat to the shade.
I can easily replace it with a smaller wattage, thought about doing that but I can also dim the 60 watt all the way down but it just seemed so dim I was not sure it was putting off enough light for him in that area. The cage gets plenty of light but Like you said, i Still want him to have a light over his basking spot even if it does not create the heat. I will play with it as it warms up. Still got another month I am sure before it gets much hotter.

You mentioned that the room gets plenty of light? I imagine if the chameleon is getting plenty of good lighting then what would be important is that he has a warm area and a cool area he can go to. They do need light but too bright a direct light can cause harm to the eyes so they would need an area where the light is not so bright like under leaves or something. The uva/b will also provide light. So if u feel the amount of light is right then u would be more interested in making his basking area not too warm and then he can be up there when he needs it and move lower when he is good and warm but still be able to get just enough brightness in the higher areas? If u have one of those little temp guns it can help u decide how dim to keep it or which wattage to use so its just right because the warmer the season gets the warmer the enclosure will get esp if he stays in the same room where u say the glass reflects and warms. I hope this makes some kind of sense. I know what am trying to say just having difficulty putting it in print.
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