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Being I am 'QOL' patient, I would sell my kidney, cornea, partial liver, lung, etc.. to keep my cocker spaniel alive. Seeing, as I have had to be in pain management from the age of 25, anything or anyone who can make me smile or forget for 3 seconds is priceless. Three carwrecks in 6 months, on the same road (2 rear ends & 1 head on, none my fault) hastened my bad genetic dna. At 30, I was told I was comparable to a 65 year old in osteoarthritis, neuropathy, cervical degenerative disease, and a crapload of other stuff I can't spell. To the point now, I don't even research new diagnosis, as I am destined for the infamous Ankylosis Spondylosis, most likely. I have had a permenant handicapped card since the age of 30(?). Great parking, but really not worth it
. On top of that, imagine being opiod resistant. Got enough to kill 4 elephants, great, it won't even phase me. I have to have two anethesiologists for every surgery, because of resistance. So, for me this one is personal, what will you buy and where do I sell it? That being said, I have had to put down one cockapoo from my childhood at the age of 17, for me 22. Tumors on his legs made it impossible for him to walk. Having three tumors removed from my feet in the next 6 weeks, I will though, for my current dog put him down if I think he is anyway at that point of wanting to go. Nothing I wouldn't do for him, as he has done twice as much for me.