I think spike has a burn!!


Established Member
Im so upset spike has a small area on his tail thats darkened it looks like a burn i keep the lamp preety far from him to prevent burns i dont know how he got it is there anything else that it might be also do burns heal do i have to do anything to it?
Please take a picture of the burn. What temperatures do you keep him at and how far away is the lamp from the cage and from where he can get closest to the lamp?
Pictures help. It might not be a burn. My chameleon has a small dark spot on his tail when I brought him home, but it went away by the next morning. I think it might have been some dirt or something that came off with a misting. I was afraid he had a burn too.
I think i was too quick to post i noticed that spot when i took him out but since i put him back in the cage i dont see it
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