i need help i have a veiled chameleon that acting funny

How is she when yall are around the cage? Seems like a high traffic area. Maybe try covering one side of the cage with a sheet so she cannot see yall in the living room.
My Cham is about the same age. She eats 8-15 crickets a day and always wants more. You have to regulate their food due to some health issues over eating can lead to.
I do agree she is pissed off. Mine turned blacker than that once when I tried to help her after she fell down. She was furious. Whatever is stressing her out needs to be fix for her health.
I cup feed mine. I have a white cup its a cup that came with worms attached to my screen. I put my chams food in there and he eats from there. Otherwise I leave him be when he eats. I hate being bothered when eating so why bother him is my theory. Sometimes I feed a insect or two from my hand if I want to spend time with him. I've never heard of anyone saying that feeding in their cage would make them mean. They hunt in wild and like it in their cage. Try feeding in the cage. Only problem with crickets is you are going to want to make sure all of them are out before bed time. Most of my crickets don't get out of the cup and if one or two do mine will hunt them down before he eats from his cup.
Also try mixing up the foods a little. Crickets aren't the very best source of protein but I know it's the most easily found next to say mealworms, waxworms, and super worms. Ull notice your guy may eat less with variety as they get fuller quicker. There are tons of useful information on these threads and to the left under care resources. I know you have had your Cham for a little and all that. But I'd spend some time reading and checking out some other medical threads on here and all that. That's what I've done and it helps a lot when you think something is wrong or when something needs to be fixed or changed.
I would not take her out for feeding. It could stress her out. I don't believe that the advice you were given is true. I feed all my chameleons in their cages.

i tried feed her meal worms she would not eat them at all so i bought wax worms and she eat thos when she is in her cage shes green when i walk up to it she gets black poke a dots and strips and then when i open the cage door she goes black i have read allot about chameleons when i first got her she was a baby very small now she getting big fast we also have a container in her cage to feed her from she also will eat from our hand but we stopped feeding her in the the cage because we didn't want her to become mean but if she will like it better we will feed her in the cage

i have red allot about handling your chameleon and they say they really don't like it unless they want to come out so maybe i am making her mad because i take her out


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Mine gets that way sometimes only when my girlfriend walks by his cage nothing more than defense for them Mine eats mealworms sometimes. I figured he's not really interested cause they don't move much. I wouldn't give them to many waxworms. It's a lot of fat. I use as treats sometimes or if I adopt and animal is underweight. They are also addicting to pets. Like candy for a baby.
Honestly, if you just set the cage up yesterday and the cham is still eating, you literally just need to give her some space. ESPECIALLY veileds.

Normal recommendation is to put them in their cage and leave them alone for almost two weeks aside from feeding and misting.

Chameleons are sensitive little things and it takes them awhile to settle into a new environment. Then they mellow out after they get comfortable.

I had a pair of veileds that pretty much were the spawn of satan when I first got them but after a few weeks, they got used to me, I got used to them and they stopped trying to lunge and make that weird noise at me. :rolleyes:
Yes it is if weather an temps are good. Sun light is good for them. Just make sure you have an outside enclosure or something or a safe plant to hang Out in if no enclosure. And make sure you watch don't want them to run off or have a bird pick them up. But I wouldn't do it till your Cham relaxes and chills out some.
She looks good to me.

Its good that you have a proper container of washed playsand in her cage so she has a place to lay eggs if she needs to. She looks too young at this point to be reproducing.

Chances are she just needs some space for a while.

Regarding supplements and husbandry...
We recommend dusting the insects before most feedings with a phos. free calcium powder to help make up for the usually poor ratio of calcium to phos. found in many of the feeder insects.

Its recommended that twice a month you dust the insects before feeding them to her with a phos. free calcium/D3 powder to ensure that she gets some D3 without overdoing it and leaving it to produce the rest from its exposure to the UVB light.. D3 from supplements can build up in the system and lead to health issues. D3 produced from exposure to the UVB light shouldn't build up as long as the chameleon can move in and out of the UVB at will.

We also recommend dusting twice a month with a vitamin powder that contains a beta carotene (prOformed) source of vitamin A. This leaves it up to you to decide if/when the chameleon needs some prEformed vitamin A. PrOformed sources of vitamin a will not build up in the system like prEformed sources can.

Appropriate temperatures allow for proper digestion and thus nutrient absorption.

Hope this helps.
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