I hate roaches!

Pascal 2012

New Member
So i ordered some roaches to see if my little man will eat them and possibly enjoy them. I got my package and thought it would be small to medium sized nymphs, unfortunately they were big roaches close to 2 inches long and I have no idea what to do to see if he will like them. I happened to find a few nymphs but not many, they are in his enclosure and he looks at them but hasn't made a move I guess its the waiting game.
So i ordered some roaches to see if my little man will eat them and possibly enjoy them. I got my package and thought it would be small to medium sized nymphs, unfortunately they were big roaches close to 2 inches long and I have no idea what to do to see if he will like them. I happened to find a few nymphs but not many, they are in his enclosure and he looks at them but hasn't made a move I guess its the waiting game.

Take the big guys and girls and separate them to start a small colony. Once they breed and the oothecas hatch you will have your own nymphs. It is unfortunate that the company didn't send what they said they would. As for your cham showing interest, try placing them on a branch somewhere near. They aren't as active in a cup and sometimes hunker down to hide from your chameleon.
If the website you ordered from SAID that the roaches would be smaller, definitely demand a refund/complain.

Roaches are always iffy though. I've read lots about how some chams just downright refuse to eat them as they don't squirm around as often as crickets and some chams love em.
When I say how big they were I thought colony as well! I am going to try that next I did it with a hornworm as well but he ignored it. I have some silk worms as well so we are going to try and get him to enjoy something.
It is possible I read it wrong from the website but when it came to order specs I asked for medium roaches for a juvenile. This was just to see if he would eat them so they weren't much.
It is possible I read it wrong from the website but when it came to order specs I asked for medium roaches for a juvenile. This was just to see if he would eat them so they weren't much.

Yeah if you asked for a juvie cham size roaches 2 inches is WAY too big for the roach breeder to even consider giving them to you. 1 inch maybe I can understand a juvie eating
From many of the videos I watched and things I looked up they look like full grown adults or fairly close, it would be a bigger deal if he had nothing to eat but with horn worms butterworms and silk worms he will be fine. I will still try to feed him the smaller ones to see if I can start a colony (no point in having one if he wont eat them). But let me say this I put them in the bucket and they ran for the cartons i had down it felt like they were crawling all over me, I hope I can get used to this for him:eek::rolleyes:
I have received much larger roaches than I was expecting in the past. I complained to the seller, returned them and received the correct size.
I hate roaches too, I've kept tarantulas and scorpions among countless herps, would never even think about touching a roach though. I can wrangle possums, coons, snakes or whatever, but a roach or a rat ... forget about it.

I read recently on a thread that putting the roaches on their backs where the cham can see them sometimes works. They wiggle around a lot trying to flip back over, which can be an enticing eye catcher for a hungry cham.
at least im not the only one! Thank for the advice I will be trying that one tomorrow. I thought about calling them and asking what happened but if all goes well I will use these adults to my advantage and try to start a colony!
at least im not the only one! Thank for the advice I will be trying that one tomorrow. I thought about calling them and asking what happened but if all goes well I will use these adults to my advantage and try to start a colony!

Just keep in mind that dubias grow really slow and it will be months until you have a good colony going.
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