I admit defeat...

if you are doing all that superworms probably wont do anything positive to the diet, maybe even negative

Why would anyone do supers? Mealworms seem so much easier as they don't have to be separated to pupate, they can't bite you and their shell isn't hard enough to cause impaction. Is there any benefit over mealworms that supers have? Perhaps they're more active so chams respond to them better?
meal worms are almost as bad, meals and supers have no benefit to a diet unless you have very little variety available
That makes sense as they're mostly oatmeal or bran..... I feed mine all sorts of veggies though and my main feeders are dubias. I will NEVER breed crix..... I'm going to start on hornworms in a week though.
Im only admiting defeat because i cant handle the 200 loose crickets! they are everywhere, my shower, my laundry, my cat room, the ceilings, the walls, everywhere but in the damn bin.

i cant use a 10 gallon tank beacuse i have 3000 crickets!!!!!!

and its not the deep end because i want roaches, its the deep end cuz im going to go flipping insane [insert bad word here] if i have to spend 2 hours every night catching them again!!!!!! seriously.. i cant take it.

at that point maybe you should think about expanding to like either a bigger fish tank or buy more 10g fish tanks. and possibly starting to sell or give away some to friends around your area
at that point maybe you should think about expanding to like either a bigger fish tank or buy more 10g fish tanks. and possibly starting to sell or give away some to friends around your area

oy. ok. im NOT using a ten gallon tank.

Im using 3 huge rubbermaind tubs.

and i orderd 3000 crickest because I have 4 chams to feed!!!
if you are doing all that superworms probably wont do anything positive to the diet, maybe even negative

I'd just like to know where you are getting your info for your rant on Superworms?

I have fed Supers without a single issue between 3 chams . Granted I feed in moderation.
I think the impaction risk associated with either is waaay overblown. Chameleons eat beetles and snails in the wild, and we think they can't handle some little worms? I always have a breeding colony of supers at home, because they are easy to keep, last forever, and provide variety to my chameleons' diet. Feeding a few every week in addition to other feeders is not going to cause harm, especially if the chameleon is well hydrated, if you want my honest opinion. The way chameleons crush them as they chew, there's like barely anything left of them by the time they get into their stomachs - they look like mush.
Insect glue trap paper. Put a drop of peanut butter in the center of each one and set them along your baseboard. Make sure your cat doesn't get one stuck to his face though. Might cost him his whiskers.
Insect glue trap paper. Put a drop of peanut butter in the center of each one and set them along your baseboard. Make sure your cat doesn't get one stuck to his face though. Might cost him his whiskers.

sadly cant do that either, for one, they are on the ceiling, and two between the dog and the cat... no crickets would get caught cuz somebody would lick the PB away. :p
I have glue traps down where the chams are in the corners of the room. They're the kind that you fold into a square so it's not flat on the floor. Those should be good and your cars and dogs won't be able to get their nose stuck on them. Try those...I check them often and there's always crickets in there. :)
I have glue traps down where the chams are in the corners of the room. They're the kind that you fold into a square so it's not flat on the floor. Those should be good and your cars and dogs won't be able to get their nose stuck on them. Try those...I check them often and there's always crickets in there. :)

intervesting. vewy vewy intervesting... lol. sorry im in a mood today.

And sinc ei have to hit home depot tomorrow anyway to get my cage building supplies, and some pots for repotting the chammie plants.. i shall look into those. Thanks!
i dreamed of crickets last night.
When I was about 14 I left a bag of 20 mealworms on the table next to my Anole tank. It had polystyrene under it and they ate through the bag and into the polystyrene, making a ridiculously loud chewing noise - I must have heard it in my sleep so I had a nightmare about thousands of crickets and mealworms being all over my bedroom...........the really scary thing though was a HUGE worm (taking up 1/3 of the room and easily big enough to eat me :eek:).
I woke up and had to collect them all up in a cold sweat.........
I never had much problem with insects while I was awake, but I still don't like supers much having seen that ULTRAWORM :D
I saw on youtube. if you take clear package tape and put it about 3/4 up all 4 sides of your bin the crickets slide down and they won't escape.
use the rat sticky paper.. set it up around the bin.. done deal. use it all the time.. most the time the cricket is killed trying to remove him but better than loose crickets..
use the rat sticky paper.. set it up around the bin.. done deal. use it all the time.. most the time the cricket is killed trying to remove him but better than loose crickets..

yes, but if every cricket climbs up and dies.. then i wasted moeny on crickets to kil them, and not by being fed off.

clear packing tape. thas waht im gonna try.
Ahh, I see the whole story now - pardon -:eek:
I thought you did this some time ago - crickets everywhere would be a big problem. Maybe you put the bin inside another bin so that when they get out they land in another container? I dunno, I'm not a cham or criket keeper... yet :D My DH is freaking out that I would want something that ate bugs - we are from FL where bug are as big as you are and can carry you off- which is why we love CO. But the chams are so adorable. :rolleyes:
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