how often could i feed my veiled meal worms??


Established Member
how often could i feed my cham meal worms??and if my cham is only about 5 or 6 monthes how may and how big of crickets should i feed her???oh yah and how can i offer her fruits???
i would just ditch the meal worms and try superworms as they are easier to digest. By that age your cham could probably eat 1/2 inch crickets, the general rule of thumb is feeders no bigger than the space between your chams eyes, I go a bit bigger with soft worms though. as for feeding fruit/veggies/greens just cut some up into small pieces and try handfeeding it or just putting it in front of your cham. My female cham wont eat anything besides bugs unless I trick her by cutting fruit etc into worm shaped pieces and shake it in front of her lol good luck.
At five months my chameleon was eating 12- 15 quarter inch crcikets a day. As they grew I cut back the amount accordingly.
how often could i feed my cham meal worms??and if my cham is only about 5 or 6 monthes how may and how big of crickets should i feed her???oh yah and how can i offer her fruits???

At six months your chameleon can probably handle nearly full-sized crickets, so ones that are 4+ weeks old. Up to 10 a day would likley be sufficient. Remember also to gutload those crickets well and LIGHTLY dust with calicum.

Mealworms are not the best possible choice of feeder, though they are fine for occassional use. One a week would be okay. Be sure to gutload the mealworms as much as possible too.

Consider adding butterworms, silkworms, roaches, etc to the chameleons diet as well. The more variety the better.

Place small pieces of fruit or thin sliced veg in a shallow cup or stuck on a small branch.
i personally rotate feedings. cricket,mealworms,silk worms,dubai roaches and every now and again ill get some horn worms. my guy goes stupid crazy over silk worms. generally he is a shy guy but will come roaring when i set silks on the vines.
how often could i feed my cham meal worms??and if my cham is only about 5 or 6 monthes how may and how big of crickets should i feed her???oh yah and how can i offer her fruits???

Mine gets a mealworm (along with something else) once a week. But its an adult male panther, so maybe a female should be treated different (less fat = less eggs, right?)
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