my female panther is a little over 2 years old, she was mated with my 8 month old ambanja, a while back , since then she laid her first clutch of eggs(as she has never laid any eggs prior) anyhow those eggs were laid 6 weeks after mating, and i assumed they were fertile, until i learned that most first batches are not going to end up making it. and all have molded. so now she has laid her 2nd batch this one was even bigger batch of 38 eggs and they all came out really white , though many seemed rather small, I thought for sure these would end up good . I have them in a 6" x 18" circular Tupperware with lid, each egg spaced an inch from one another and nestled in approx, 2 inch deep lightly moisten vermiculite, and stored in a dark cabinet at temps averaging 74-76 degrees. now these eggs are not exactly showing mold (at least not a type of mold that I am familiar with) but majority have gotten a bit darker colored almost a peach color of most of them are showing grayish stripes. so my questions are what is up with these gray stripes>should u i wipe them off? what reasons health wise or age wise are there that could cause eggs to be no good,(is 2 years old to old to start eggs) even if bred ? is it normal to have first and second batch no good or is that usually only with the first batch? do small eggs usually mean bad eggs(like the size of a large tic tac? has anyone ever had black molded eggs hatch? has anyone ever had 2 binded eggs hatch? are panther eggs and veiled eggs usually similar in size when laid? do eggs ever start to harden thru development stages? Is there a chance that I placed her in her laying tub too early(5 weeks after mating), and she went ahead and laid them- because she never was pacing her cage I just get nervous when it comes to the thought of egg bound and I put her into a 50 gallon tote with soil /sand mix and after a day or so, she proceeded to dig.
another thing confusing me is : I got a veiled female almost a year old and she laid her very first batch of 51 eggs 5 1/2 weeks after mating and her eggs are large bigger than a jelly beans, and all perfectly shaped, and after 10 days, only 2 started showing signs of mold, Now this was her very first time laying eggs, so, should these be expected to not make it? im so confused,,, I wish someone could post pictures of good vs bad eggs, along with all types of mold and causes. please let me know facts or experience with these issues I would greatly appreciate it thank you! oh forgot to mention both chams are well fed averaging 4-8 crickets and 2 super worms. i alternate the days with calcium and multivitamins for dusting the feeders with, I give my chams several hours in natural sun light outside, and uvb lamps while inside, feeders are gut loaded with cricket super food calcium fortified diet, and grated orange peels, carrots, kale, apple peels.
another thing confusing me is : I got a veiled female almost a year old and she laid her very first batch of 51 eggs 5 1/2 weeks after mating and her eggs are large bigger than a jelly beans, and all perfectly shaped, and after 10 days, only 2 started showing signs of mold, Now this was her very first time laying eggs, so, should these be expected to not make it? im so confused,,, I wish someone could post pictures of good vs bad eggs, along with all types of mold and causes. please let me know facts or experience with these issues I would greatly appreciate it thank you! oh forgot to mention both chams are well fed averaging 4-8 crickets and 2 super worms. i alternate the days with calcium and multivitamins for dusting the feeders with, I give my chams several hours in natural sun light outside, and uvb lamps while inside, feeders are gut loaded with cricket super food calcium fortified diet, and grated orange peels, carrots, kale, apple peels.