Getting him outside


New Member
So it's finally nice enough to take flash outside today and I'd love to take him out but the guy is so clearly freaked out by me I'm not sure what to do?

I got him out of his cage but he was so clearly freaked out by me that I don't think he's even enjoying it outside. So should I just give up and leave him in his cage or does anyone have any idea how I could get him out for some sun without him having a panic attack?
Natural sunshine is one of the BEST things for your chameleon, if you can find a way to get him outside for at least 20 minutes a day a couple times a week, he will benefit from it.

Is there any way you could put him and his cage outside, or get him a second "sunning" cage?
So it's finally nice enough to take flash outside today and I'd love to take him out but the guy is so clearly freaked out by me I'm not sure what to do?

I got him out of his cage but he was so clearly freaked out by me that I don't think he's even enjoying it outside. So should I just give up and leave him in his cage or does anyone have any idea how I could get him out for some sun without him having a panic attack?
Mine was freaked out the first time, and he still gets somewhat nervous, but he loves it so much out there that he's getting used to me taking him out now. I don't get him directly out of his cage though, I put a silk plant next to his cage with branches going him for him to climb out on and I then get him off the silk plant when he comes out by himself (which doesn't take long anymore lol). Then We get to sun outside together! I let him climb all over me while I'm laying down so He gets used to me which seems to be working so far, and he also likes walking through the grass and exploring. I alway keep a look out for predatory birds though (The thought of him being snatched up scares me!!)
So finally got him to crawl on my arm and go outside! He was definitely scared at first but as soon as we got in the sun he calmed down. Even started crawling up my arm to go to my head!! So exciting!
Phone scared him a bit but he seems to enjoy the sun!


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Nice, I remember when I took my cham into the sun for the first time he was way dark, soaking it all in. He's looking good.
Nice, I remember when I took my cham into the sun for the first time he was way dark, soaking it all in. He's looking good.

Thanks appreciate it! Ya he was pretty fired up when we first got out there but then he started turning pretty dark to soak it all in and seemed to really like it!

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