Gender? (Picture included)


New Member
I have been looking to see different ways to tell my chameleon's gender, and everything has said that the spurs and the base of the tail are the most telling. This isn't the best photo of his feet, but I can see little (very small) white bumps behind his back feet. Do females have any bumps at all or is that only a male thing? I'm pretty sure he's male, but I wanted to ask people a little more experienced with chameleons. Thanks, guys!


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You would have to get a shot of the back of the heel so we can see if there are tarsal spurs or not. Can you grab another pic? I can't really tell in the one above.
I would have to say female based off the tail. If there isn't any spurs then that will be the easiest way to tell but I don't see anything about her tail that would lead me to believe male.
Does look female. The tarsal spurs on the back of the feet are pretty obvious. Here's a close up of my guy that shows the tarsal spur and tail base.

This one is a little better. Thanks for your help, guys!


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Lol, okay thanks. It really doesn't matter either way. But I feel really awkward about calling her a "he" now. Oops.
Yes, she will produce infertile eggs. Lower temps and not as heavy handed on the food will keep her clutch sizes low and give her a longer life. I would suggest PM-ing @kinyonga about this. She knows a lot on the subject.
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