frozen Yoshi


Established Member
I live on Long Island NY and we jusy had a terrible nor'easter. I lost power [and heat] from Sat night till late tues afternoon. Temps at night went to upper 30 degrees [F] to the 50's in the day. It was @ 40 in the house [i froze at nite]. I live on the water [Great South Bay] and had flooding problems also. My cham [Yoshi], a vieled about 9 months old, lives free range above a 130 gal indoor pond with waterfall. I also have a 240gal sw fish tank and a 150gal fw tank. I was going to take Yoshi to work with me but i couldn't find him. I added a few gallons of hot water to the tanks and pond to try and heat them up. I though for sure he froze. Get home tues late afternoon and low and behold there's Yoshi sunning on a vine, darkest brown i've ever seen him. He looks ok, checking out feeder cup [i have to buy crickets]. Don't think i lost any fish either [many small ones, hard to tell] and all the catfish were mateing. I'm buying Yoshi an outfit for next time [little sweat pants and sweater?]. Their hardier than i thought.
I'm glad the little guy ended up being alright. I to would like to see you setup, sounds interesting.
belive it or not chams are pretty tank, they dont like to be but they can withstand a bit. you should post some pics of your setup it sounds very cool and inspireing
Glad hes ok, however, the sweater idea will not work, because being that chameleons are cold blooded they are unable to circulate and accumulate heat like we can under covers, in sweaters, etc. so It would just be an annoying cloth to him :D
Yoshi had a scare and gave you one also. Isn't weather a wonderful thing? (note I am being sarcastic). Sorry your weather is trying to model after mine but at least Yoshi is fine.
Glad hes ok, however, the sweater idea will not work, because being that chameleons are cold blooded they are unable to circulate and accumulate heat like we can under covers, in sweaters, etc. so It would just be an annoying cloth to him :D

Actually clothing is ment to keep heat from leaving your body and contributing to the outside air. So putting a sweater on a cold blooded animal would actually keep the remaining heat inside it's body and not out in the air. Just a fun fact for ya =D Though i'm sure a sweater would piss him off a great deal =P
heres a few pics before i added many more vines


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glad hes ok. im on the island as well however we didnt lose power. those veileds will sustain ANYTHING (over a short period of time of course) and im just glad yours is tough enough to stand the cold. oh, and i hate the rain; that was one hell of a storm.
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