Flap Necked


New Member
hello everybody,
i am not new to the cham world... just to this breed...
ok.. so i just got reptar settled in he is a 2 to 3 month old flapped neck..

2 questions

1. how to tell the sex .. i do know it has something to do with the barbs on the feet..
2. the difference in care between the veileds wich ive cared for and the flapped neck ....

and also if any other flapped neck owners check this out post pics please... i will later today
Check hind feet for spurs. Not all males in this family have them, but if you see spurs you've got a male.
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Thank you swiss looks like i have a female i heard their live bearth... mine might be a drwarf are you an owner or this paticular type?? shes showing really nice dark blue almost black spots
You must definetely be South African.

Flap necks lay eggs.
Dwarf chameleons give birth.

Where did you get the chameleon from?
I have quite a bit of experience with both flap neck and bradypodions (dwarfs).
And I think that female flap necks have like a gold/yellow ring looking thig in their eye, males have red.
Males should have hemipenil bulges at the base of the tail.
thanks cham needs i see the yellow and it is definetly a flapped necked .. i purchased her for a good price at a place called reptile depot.. i have since taken some pics that i will post.. do u hvae tips or a care sheet? i appreciate the help .. and if you have pics of yours id like to see them
Well I would just keep them the same way as I keep my veileds.
And there are no caresheets on the internet for flap necks anyway.
I was looking after one for my sisters friend last week, luckily I got some pics.

And it is female



Im thinking of going out to the bush to find a pair and I will free range them in plants that I have in the living room.
I can free range them in my living room with the room still looking like a living room because the temps are natural to them. I will just put them out into unfiltered sunlight when they need to catch some UV.
The problem with keeping flap necks is that they come from a wide range in Africa and the climate conditions vary widely too...so it would be good if you either new where it came from or at least which species it is.

Here's a bit of information on dilepis....although sparse it at least lists the ones with spurs...

I still rely on the hemipene bulge/shape of the area "south" of the tail method of sexing them.
You must definetely be South African.

Flap necks lay eggs.
Dwarf chameleons give birth.

Where did you get the chameleon from?
I have quite a bit of experience with both flap neck and bradypodions (dwarfs).
And I think that female flap necks have like a gold/yellow ring looking thig in their eye, males have red.
Males should have hemipenil bulges at the base of the tail.
Hi Chameleonneeds, my flap neck is about 3 years old, male with spurs, he is digging a tunnel like hole in the soil of the ficus plant, sleeping in it ever since, is he hybernating?
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