Flagyl (metronidazole)


New Member
Does it work in chameleons? Anyone tried it? Any side affects from it?
Anyone know what it is? lol
I read about it in a June 1995 REPTILES magazine. it treats anaerobic bacteria and certain parasites.

:Metronidazole [Flagyl] is used to treat parasitic infections including Giardia infections of the small intestine, amebic liver abscess and amebic dysentery (infection of the colon causing bloody diarrhea)

Flagyl is commonly used to get rid of protozoa.

"Back in the days" Flagyl was a good way to kill of you reptiles, meaning it was used badly causing more damage than it did good. So, sure there are side-effects.

It should only be used with a vets directions, you might find better answers from one of those. I see no reason for the drug not to work for chameleons, but what do I know.
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