fiscus tree help?


New Member
i have only had my tree for about a week and a half. but it said it needs bright light. at this point it is still too cool out to take him outside. so now i am wondering did i waste my money? any idea on how to take care of this tree?
Ive had Ficus Benji trees do well in indirect light. They will adapt. They are notorious for dropping all their leaves , when they are moved to a different light condition. If they are moved to a place of less light , they will replace all their leaves with bigger ones. If they are moved to a place of more light , they will replace their leaves with smaller ones.
Also be sure to let the soil dry out between waterings.
Better to soak the soil and let dry out less often than to keep it perpetually moist.
I have had success with ficus just using a 5000k tube light as well as my uvb lights. They don't get any direct sunlight and they seem to be growing through some of my cages, so you didnt waist your money, just get the right lighting.

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