First time cham keeper question


New Member
I am looking to get into chams.......... Right now I keep and breed Leachianus and Crested geckos along with a few snake species.... and I am wanting to start a small project with some species of chams.

My question is .... I have my eye set on the bearded pygmy cham.... they are so cool and reasonable priced that would fit my budget and space requirements(stay small)

Would this be a good starter cham? and what is there lifespan, and care like?

I think they would be ok for a beginer but it would be fairly difficult to spot certain problems such as dehydration, which is spotted by sunken eyes and on the pygmys their eyes are very small. You would probably be better starting of with a larger chameleon such as a veiled but i think if you do enough research you would be absoulutely fine with them.

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