feeding help


New Member
another question.
ive been paranoid as usual, i have a juvinile veiled not sure of age but in good health i beleive. i never see him eat or drink but i know he is eating since i let the crickets just run around in the cage.

i need help with feeding habits. he is too scared to let me hand/bowl feed him and he runs whenever i am close to the cage. i dust daily with calcium but feed the crickets that blue water stuff with no nutrients. so i have 2 questions

1. what do i do to prevent bites from the crickets
2. what do i gutload with?

and how can i get him to eat from a bowl? usually i just put 10 crickets per day and count to make sure he is eating, i think he eats 10 small crickets a day.

also his skin is extremely wrinkled as of the last 6 hours and is turning white, and he is eating less im guessing this is his first shed?

oh and since i am here. every once in awhile his poop is white, usually normal brown but has been white since the past few days when it looks like he is starting to shed.

sorry for all the questions but the feeding ones are most important for whoever can help. again he looks good but i am always so worried.
There is a great blog on here I am here someone will post a link but I gut load with fresh veggies and fruits :)
They don't eat out of a bowl but just putting crickets in his cage is good enough just watch for his poop to see if he is eating and drinking his pee is white and is usually next to his poop if it is white then he is drinking orange means he is dehydrated and post any any questions as you like people love answering them on here :) hope this helps
Oh and your dusting hopefully it's calcium without D3 every feeding and
Calcium with D3 and multivitamin 2 a month just alter Sundays and you should be good :)
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