Faly sick HELP.

im not sure bud keep him warm and maybe lower the lights and see if he will relax and sleep abit... but thats just a guess.
what time do they normally goto sleep?
I may have misunderstood...did you say that the mister keeps on misting all night too?

You said that you've been giving it water when its mouth is open and his eyes were closed...I wouldn't be giving them water when they are like that because they will likely aspirate it.

Could the place you moved to have been sprayed with insecticide or something? How did you transport them? Could they have been cold?
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yes bud im hopeing for you and your guys, im so sorry u are going through this.
ill check in in the am and see whats up.
you got my #
---patt on the back---
I am so sorry to hear this. I wonder what could of happened between them that caused this so fast....I hope your other panther makes it.
Damn. :( I am soo sorry about this. I am hoping the best for Blue. I've had a cham get Baaaad, and pull through. I am holding out all hope for you. Keep him comfortable until you can get him to the vet. Man, I'm sorry about your losses. :(
I would bring the other two with you as well :( see if they can do a necropsy to see what happened in case it can spread. So sorry to hear of this =(
my dad is arriving soon hopefully, i was talking with the vet on the phone he said he had an identical case as cheech and chong and it ended up being salmonella, he said it may also be a serious case of coccidia, what do you guys think
If your cham back at your other house had Coccidia, it is still possible your other chams caught it even if you sterilized everything. The slightest thing forgotten could have transferred the Cocci. And with the added stress of them moving the last couple days, numbers of the parasites could have possibly exploded... Either that, or there is something in your new place causing this. I am really sorry for your losses, I've been there and it is a terrible feeling.. Ill be prayin for your boy.
my dad is arriving soon hopefully, i was talking with the vet on the phone he said he had an identical case as cheech and chong and it ended up being salmonella, he said it may also be a serious case of coccidia, what do you guys think

iono if they were fine an just started droppin an its a new place id bet its poisening maybe they sprayed before you moved in? its gotta be something like that
my dad just arrived, wish me luck, i dont have enough money to get an nescropy for both cheech and chong so im just gonna do cheech, wish me luck.
I agree with the poisoning. Could anything they had eaten been molded or anything.? Did they both eat the superworms.? And were they the only ones to eat them.?
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